Last week I made a detailed comparison of several software updates monitoring tool. Here is another one.
AutoUP is capable of detecting updates for 68 popular applications that includes both freeware and commercial software. Although, this isn’t a very impressive list, AutoUP’s saving factor is that it can automatically download the latest version of the supported programs as soon as it becomes available.
When you launch AutoUP, it will display any supported programs it finds on your system along with the current version number. Choose the programs you are interested in by checking the boxes next to it and click the Scan button. AutoUP will then display the latest update that is currently available for download and whether it is a regular version or a beta. At the backend, AutoUP uses for checking on updates.
Choose any updates you’d like to install, click Download, and the program will grab the installer and save it to the folder of your choice. Unlike Patch My PC or Secunia, AutoUP won’t install these for you.
The program can be configured to automatically download updates when detected. There is no option for scheduled scan, but the program can be made to launch at Windows startup and commence scanning as soon as it has loaded.